
2022 New Year's Greeting Chu Hui, Chairman of Jiangnan Group

Leaders at all levels,friends from all walks of life and colleagues:

Dear all!


As the year 2022 isapproaching, and is time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Onbehalf of the board of Directors of Jiangnan Group, I would like to payattention to the leaders at all levels, colleagues in the industry and friendsfrom all walks of life who have cared about and supported the development ofthe enterprise for a long time. To the majority of staff based on their postsand hard work, extend New Year's best wishes!

 In 2021, the greatCommunist Party of China ushered in its centennial birthday. The Chinese nationstood together and helped each other. Economic development remained the world'sleading position. Effective epidemic prevention and control demonstrated China'sstrength; In 2021, all Jiangnan people will follow the Party with firmconfidence, work hard in their main business, overcome difficulties, and goagainst the trend, making unprecedented achievements with hard core measures.

 In the past year, the companyovercame many pressures and challenges such as the severe and complexmacroeconomic situation, high fluctuations in the prices of raw and auxiliarymaterials, frequent outbreaks of epidemics in many places, and made newachievements in marketing, R&D and innovation, production and manufacturingushered in new breakthroughs, and management efficiency took new steps. Theseachievements reflect the painstaking efforts and sweat of every Jiangnanpeople, and highlight the extraordinary Jiangnan style.

 In the New Year, we arefacing greater challenges and higher steps. All Jiangnan people will neverforget their original intention, dare to take responsibility, actively practicethe development concept of intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing,and unswervingly cultivate the domestic and international markets; Firmlyimprove product quality and service level; We will unswervingly promotetechnological transformation and capacity expansion, talent leadership, andinnovation driven, constantly improve our competitiveness for sustainabledevelopment, and contribute more to building a cable power!

 Finally, I sincerelywish the great motherland a prosperous and prosperous country! In the coming New Year,wish all of you good health and happy family! 

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